What's better than a 'piping hot' shower on a cold or rainy day? Well, a lot of things are healthier, unfortunately. I have the hardest time turning off the shower, especially in the morning, which is not at all funny.
"Our skin contains special proteins and fats that make up a protective barrier and lock in moisture to protect us from harsh outside environments. Dry winter air, forced-air heating, extremes of temperature and the frequent hot baths and showers we take all strip our skin of this natural protection," says Dr. Megan Moor. So, instead of making your skin more moist, it can dry it, and strip it of it's protection.
Others I've read have speculated that it may be a cause of melanoma.
If you are ever in doubt, ask yourself if your ancestors took long hot showers? The answer is probably not. They maybe warmed their bath water once in a while as a treat, but they probably did not have hot baths or showers every day like many people do. Shorter showers are also better for the environment.
So what are things you can do? Well, try a cooler shower, and make it shorter! Also, it helps to exfoliate your skin every once in a while so you can make sure you don't have dead skin cells building up on it, and your pores have plenty of room to breathe and excrete toxins.
Skin Care Products
Also, I haven't written about it yet, but make sure you are using all natural skin care products. You don't want to be rubbing toxins onto your skin. Don't shampoo your hair every day either. Your scalp produces protective oils for your hair, and you don't want to wash those out every day. Once or twice a week should be enough, but it depends on whether your hair is really oily or not.
And read the comments for other people's experience!
Hi, Kyle, thanks for participating in Real Food Wednesday. Can you do me a favor and link back to our carnival -- it's in the rules:
I agree! I probably push the "don't shower every day" rule a little far for most American's, but I shower when my hair is greasy or I am stinky (or actually dirty, as in with dirt on me). In the winter this can be as little as twice a week but in the summer it's usually more like every other day, more in really hot weather. I also don't use shampoo, I use baking soda and a vinegar rinse. Works great.
Hi Cheeseslave - got it.
Hi Alyss - I haven't tried baking soda in my hair (I'll have to now), but I have tried Apple Cider Vinegar, and I love the way it leaves my hair feeling! The only part I don't like about it is the smell. I'm okay with it, but other people would not be okay with it.
Well I push the "don't shower every day" rule even further than you, Alyss!
I definitely shower when I'm stinky or my hair is greasy, but for me that takes about a week!
Kyle, thanks for submitting this to Fight Back Fridays.
(AKA FoodRenegade)
You're probably right but why then do hot showers feel SO good? :-) Lately I've been dry brushing my skin before the shower and I really like it. Does it detoxify like it promises? I dunno. Feels good.
I have the HARDEST time giving up hot showers and hot baths. I love them and feel so at home in the hot water. Personal care products, however, are a different story. I gave them up several years ago and haven't looked back since. I haven't shampooed my hair since the June of 2006! Instead, I use a baking soda / lemon juice combo and use coconut oil or burts bees for moisturization.
Kristen - Your welcome, your site is great!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't shower every day, I was afraid I was a freak!
Michelle - They do feel sooo good! I think that the dry brushing would help, as long as it isn't irritating the skin. I'm going to have to try it more.
Jenny - I KNOW!! I have a Burt Bee's shampoo and conditioner, which I really like, but I don't always use them because other (more natural) ways work just fine. I'll have to try coconut oil in the hair, I knew it was a good lotion, but I didn't know it worked for hair too.
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